Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 8: Suspense

"But Miss Emily had been there instead and she'd told them Miss Lucy couldn't come just at that moment, so she would take the class. For the next twenty minutes  or so everything had gone quite normally. Then suddenly--right in mid-sentence apparently--Miss Emily had broken off from talking about Beethoven and announced that Miss Lucy had left Hailsham and wouldn't be returning." pg. 111

It's shocking to hear that such an influential character in the novel has left the school. This guardian who gave so much advice and extra wisdom to the children has now vanished, and they didn't get a chance to ask her more about her messages.

Having miss Lucy leave so abruptly gave the book even more of a sense of mystery and secretiveness. I feel like the children who are simply curious as to where she could have gone after she provided them with such confusing information. Who would explain to them what she meant now? I wonder what is in store for these kids now. They have all of this information but have no way to apply it. Are they going to figure it out? Will they ever see Miss Lucy again? Where did this mysterious woman go? Her departure simply leaves me wanting to know more.

This turning point in the story successfully re-engages the reader. If at any point he or she was becoming bored with the novel or if he or she was confused and wanted to give up, this little twist in the plot draws the reader back in.

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