Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 18: The Climax

"'Is it the case, then, that deferrals don't exist? There's nothing you can do?'
She shook her head slowly from side to side. 'There's no truth in the rumour. I'm sorry. I truly am.'" pg. 258

This is the major tipping point in the story. Tommy and Kathy had waited all this time, almost sure that their theory was correct, only to find that their was no possible way to extend their love. There were no such things as deferrals. There was no other option.

After finding this out, their is not much else they can hope for. They will probably go on living the lives they had before they got this idea into their minds. Tommy will go back to being a donor and Kathy will be his carer. The only thing they can get real satisfaction from is knowing that they tried. They know that they at least attempted to follow their dream, to strengthen their love. They can be happy knowing that they honored Ruth's wish.

However, they must also live with the fact that it was all in vain. They can no longer dream because they are now sure that it is not true. It's not possible.

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