Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 20: Facing the End

"I was talking to one of my donors a few days ago who was complaining about how memories, even your most precious ones, fade surprisingly quickly. But I don't go along with that. The memories I value most, I don't see them ever fading. I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I won't lose my memories of them." pg. 286

Much of this book is about facing the end of something, whether its a school year, a friendship, one's childhood, or even one's life. Like most people, Kathy has a hard time accepting the end of things. She wants to hold onto them forever. She needs physical reminders that they still exist for her. She needs to know that their is a possibility that she can return to what she loves at any time.

However, its a sad fact that we must all come to terms with that things end. We have to grow up and move on. We have to accept our own end. Kathy, after facing so many things ending in her life, the end to a dream, the end of her best friends, has taught her to better cope with the end. She is beginning to accept her own destiny.

Maybe that's the message of this book. We are going to face hardships in life. We may face discrimination and mistreatment, but we can fight against it. We can hope for something better. However, if we fail in the end, we must accept out own destiny. We must accept the end. Not only the end of ourselves, but the end of many things.

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