Thursday, August 11, 2011

Never Let Me Go 1: Anecdotes About Hailsham

"This was all a long time ago so I might have some of it wrong; but my memory of it is that my approaching Tommy that afternoon was part of a phase I was going through around that time--something to do with compulsively setting myself challenges.." pg. 13

I can already tell after the first chapter that this novel will probably have a lot of anecdotes. It seems to be an effective method of characterization for this author.

Through just the personal experiences that the narrator, Kathy, relates in the beginning of the story, the reader has already developed an idea of what her personality might be like.

Rather than being shallow and falling into sync with those around her, Kathy is not afraid to be different. When all of her friends are making fun of Tommy, she is the one who views the situation differently. She's more concerned with the fact that Tommy is going to ruin his new shirt than the fact that he is causing a scene in front of everyone. Rather than viewing him as a misfit and an outcast, she tries to see things from his point of view. She even steps out of the crowd and tries to reason with him.

By knowing that this was how Kathy handled the situation, readers can develop their perspective on her. She seems understanding and compassionate. She wants to cross boundaries and make a difference.

Just by hearing stories from her past, one can see how she came to her present occupation as a carer and can predict where she might end up in the future.

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