Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 14: Dynamic Character

"It wasn't long after that I made my decision, and once I'd made it, I never wavered. I just got up one morning and told Keffers I wanted to start my training to become a carer." pg. 202

This is a major turning point for Kathy in the story. Where she had once been a nostalgic girl, hoping for romance, trying to maintain her long-time friendships, she was now looking toward the future.

All it took to change Kathy was Ruth's speech about how Tommy had never looked at her like that. Tommy was the closest thing Kathy would ever have to love, and he was dating Ruth. Though there was some hope that they might break-up, Ruth had just reassured Kathy that even if they did, she and Tommy would not be together.

I think this knowledge caused a real epiphany in Kathy. She realized that it was time to stop living in the past. It was time to start getting childish ideas out of her head. If it wasn't part of her destiny, then she would have to accept it and move forward.

Instead of trying to maintain her old life, Kathy wants to start her training to become a carer. She is growing up and taking on her adult role.

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