Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 19: Denouement

"'I was thinking,' I said, 'about back then, at Hailsham, when you used to go bonkers like that, and we couldn't understand it. We couldn't understand how you could ever get like that. And I  was just having this idea, just a thought really. I was thinking the reason you used to get like that was because at some level you always knew.'" pg. 275

After their long talk with Miss Emily, Kathy and Tommy are now left to cope with their destiny. They have to settle for the fact that there will never be another option. There had never been another option. They had been lied to their whole life in some ways. They had never been properly informed about the path they were to take.

In knowing that their future is limited, they realize that their love is limited. They may have only a few more years together. Or, they may even have only a few more days.

It's difficult for them to accept that. It's hard for them to understand that many people don't even view them as human. They have pushed away the possibility that they have a soul for their own selfish benefit. They are victims of society's cruelty.

The discrimination made against them is similar to racism and slavery. Like in the colonial era, when African slaves were put to strenuous and exhausting work as if they were an animal, these clones were used for their bodies as if they were animals. Madame and Miss Emily were like Stephen Douglass or Harriet Tubman who worked to end this sort of discrimination. However, where African Americans were triumphant in their battle, these clones were not. Perhaps since they were part of science, they would always be seen as an experiment, disposable and unimportant.

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