Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 13: Simile

"In fact, it took a moment to see they were animals at all. The first impression was like one you''d get if you took the back off a radio set: tiny canals, weaving tendons, miniature screws and wheels were all drawn with obsessive precision, and only when you held the page away could you see it was some kind of armadillo, say, or a bird." pg. 187

Tommy's drawings have become very important. Now he has realized why Miss Lucy was so regretful of telling him it didn't matter if he was creative. In reality, it did matter. His artwork would be the determining factor of a longer life.

Once, Tommy realized that his artwork would have such a great influence on his life, he had to start getting better. He had to be really good if he wanted Madame to accept him into the deferral program.

As he practiced, he found that he was much better at drawing as long as the subject was small. He became better and better at drawing these small animals, and when he shows them to Kathy, she is amazed. She tries to give an accurate description of their complexity by describing them like the inside of a radio. They consist of many dimensions and lines. Each one is very precise.

Tommy hopes that this will be enough. Although he pretends not to care that he missed his chance, he is hiding his feelings that he does care. Like every other clone, Tommy wants to hope that there is a possible extension to his short life.

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