Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go 4: Kathy's Internal Conflict

""Still, I hated it when Ruth hinted in this way. I was never sure, of course, if she was telling the truth, but since she wasn't actually 'telling' it, only hinting, it was never possible to challenger her. So each time it happened, I'd have to let it go, biting my lip and hoping the moment would pass quickly." pg. 57

Kathy's friendship with Ruth began when they were young, and Ruth asked Kathy to be part of Miss Geraldine's secret guard. However, when Ruth expels Kathy from the group, Kathy becomes somewhat bitter about it. Truthfully, she longs for the group. She wants to find out the solutions to mysteries, and she is jealous of those who still get the chance.

In passing members of the secret guard on the school grounds, Kathy is attracted to their conversations. She watches them and eavesdrops because she longs to participate. She is even bitter to Moira B. who was once part of the group but was also kicked out.

She is also somewhat jealous but also skeptical of Ruth though. When Ruth hints that she is getting special treatment and gifts of reward from Miss Geraldine, Kathy becomes angry. She thinks Ruth is lying but she has no way of knowing or finding out. It is a conflict that takes place in her mind as to whether she despises the secret guard or not and also whether Ruth is being truthful or not, and it was serving as a source of her frustration and anger that was showed outwardly.

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