Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Theme: Eveline

"He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow. he was shouted at to go on but he still called to her. She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition."

I think both fear of the unknown and dreams of the unknown are both themes of this story. Eveline has always known a life of service to others. Her life is hard and cruel and she has to act more like an adult than she should at her age. She even suffers under her abusive father. With a life like that, it is easy to feel helpless and wish for something different. When the opportunity presents itself for her to go to Buenos Aires, it seems like a break. It is a new place that promises so much more than her life in Ireland. However, it also promises many scary changes. It would be very different from Dublin. Even though her life in Dublin couldn't be much worse, it is all she has ever known. She is comfortable there despite the awful life she has. Even though Buenos Aires represents a good future, it also represents a change, and someone who is used to their lifestyle can find more discomfort in change than they do in not changing a bad situation.

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