Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stock Character: Hunters in the Snow

"Tub stood for a moment, still holding up his hand, then jumped back. His rifle slipped off his shoulder and clattered on the ice, a sandwich fell out of his pocket. He ran for the steps of the building. Another sandwich and a package of cookies tumbled onto the new snow. He made the steps and looked back."

Tub from "Hunters in the Snow" is a good example of a stock character. He is the typical overweight redneck hunter that one usually imagines when presented with a character of this sort. He is clumsy, he always has food, and he is picked on by the others. He is ashamed of his eating habits and tries to hide them, and he does not often stand up for himself. Even when he and Frank are bonding inside the truck, he does not show any sign that he is very different from someone of his persona. Like most obese people, he is uncomfortable with the way he looks and he is scared that people don't like him so he is reasonably quiet. It takes a long in-depth conversation with Frank for him to even admit that he has an eating problem at all. It also shows that he will cling to any companionship he can get when he never mentions anthing about saving Kenny who is injured in the truck bed. He completely ignores his dying friend because if he did not, it would mean that he would have to give up his new friend for now. That is pretty typical of an outcast like an overweight person. They will do anything for friendship because it is offered so little.

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