Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World 9: Characterization of Lenina

"A very stout blonde squaw stepped across the threshold and stood looking at the strangers, staring incredulously, her mouth open. Lenina noticed with disgust that two of the front teeth were missing. And the colour of the ones that remained... She shuttered." pg. 119

From the excerpt above, it becomes obvivous that Lenina is not suited to seeing people who are not well kempt and physically unfit. She is horrified by the site of this young savage boy's mother because she does not look the same as all of the people in her society, the people who have been engineered and forced to have lifestyles which create a perfect physical condition. 

In Lenina's mind, society has taught her that appearance was an important part of life. It decided the males she would go out with, what caste someone was, and how socially accepted a person was. By seeing this woman, we realize that it is part of Lenina's programming to automatically disdain a person of this physical squalor. Although she is often sympathetic with people, as she tries to be with Bernard, this woman's appearance makes it generally impossible for her. The savage woman's mere appearance is revolting and keeps Lenina from having any sympathy for her. To Lenina, physical appearance is in direct correlation with apathy. In her world, in her world she has been taught that the unattractive are undeserving of aquaintances.

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