Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brave New World 2: A Bizzare Reality

"'Human beings used to be..' he hesitated; the blood rushed to his cheeks. 'Well they used to be vivparous.'" pg. 24-25

As Brave New World takes place in the future, it should not be surprising that things have changed and there are no longer countries, but a central World State. However, it is odd and somewhat unnerving to consider a universe where humans don't recall the existence of multiple countries, cultures, and languages. Some of the students in the lab are oblivious of the former existences of the French, German, and Polish languages, and only one student was aware of what "parents" were.

In our world today, countries, cultures, languages, and especially parents have such a large impact on the turn-outs of society that its difficult to consider a world where they don't exist. Parents provide us with love, support, and encouragement. Is it wrong to suspect that in a this future world, qualities like this have shrunk to minuscule importance? It's hard to understand how these feelings could possibly be learned except through experience, and it is even harder to comprehend how a world could function without them. My own assessments tell me that without these qualities, humans would sink into depression and despair.

Contrarily, in the future that is a part of Brave New World, humans have continued to survive and make advances. I guess I'll have to try to wrap my mind around this concept.

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