Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World 7: Metaphor

"'You think I'm all right.' Another nod. 'In every way?'
'Perfect,' he said aloud. And inwardly. 'She thinks of herself that way. She doesn't mind being meat.'" pg. 93

Like most other women of this world, Lenina is used to being treated like an "piece of meat". Men simply use her for pleasure, viewing her body as a object of their play. She understands that this is part of the life she was destined for. It is simply part of her role as a female, and she is content with it.

However, Bernard who is able to fathom the disrespectful treatment she receives is appalled. It sickens him to see her treated like that. But after a few encounters with her, he realizes that even Lenina herself doesn't mind being so blatantly used. Its a task she must carry out. Its how she was programmed. Bernard wants to believe that Lenina can be more than this. He takes her to the ocean at night to show her the beauty of the world, to help her appreciate it.

But Lenina was not programmed for that. She is just like all the other women in regards to her mental outlook.  She is very similar to a piece of meat. She serves the purpose she was programmed to serve and doesn't think twice about it. She gives men pleasure even if it doesn't please her. Bernard settles for this fact for one night. He caves on his convictions and carries out the normal steps of a night out for a male. Even though Lenina is pleased to have completed her task, Bernard can't find happiness in using a woman, even one who doesn't care that she's being used.

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