Thursday, December 8, 2011

Style: Popular Mechanics

"She would have it, this baby. She grabbed for the baby's other arm. She caught the baby around the wrist and leaned back."

I feel like the author of this story has a very unique writing style. His lines are all written short and simply, and they are usually dialogue. The story seems to be written in third person objective point of view. It is written as though the narrator is watching the fight take place but knows nothing else of the characters. I also thought it was interesting how the baby started out being viewed as a person and turned into more of an object by the end of the story. I think it kind of shows how rage can make people forget the dignity of others. The two people are completely malicious toward each other and they are unknowingly treating this baby maliciously. I also think that the baby symbolizes something as well. I think they see the baby as a sign of who came out better in the relationship. Whoever gets the baby is better off. It is also a sign that they are not willing to let go. Both of them fight over the child. If they were really over each other completely, they would not want anything, like a baby, that would remind them of the other person.

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