Thursday, September 29, 2011

Symbolism: Hazel Tells LaVerne

"an i hitsm with my mop
an has ta flush
the toilet down three times
a princess"

On the surface of the poem, the reader recognizes a somewhat humorous tone. The story told of a hotel maid beating down and flushing a talking frog who has promised her that he can make her a princess is funny to consider. However, the real symbolism in the poem is that of the frog as the maids aspirations. It seems as ridiculous to her that she could be anything more than a hotel maid as it is to consider the fact that kissing a frog that hopped out of a toilet might make one into a princess. She has no confidence in becoming anything more than a hotel maid. She really has no confidence in herself at all. In fact, she considers it completely ridiculous to even believe that she could ever be a princess. She has become so comfortable in this hard-working and defensive lifestyle that she doesn't even dare to imagine anything else. She's almost become scared of change. But, the ending line of the poem that says "me a princess" almost gives the feeling that she imagines it for a moment after her speech has concluded. She lets herself dream for a bit. But, she doesn't really feel that she is good enough to be a princess or anything of the sort that is better than the lifestyle she already leads.

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